People go onto social media all of the time, so why shouldn’t you use your platforms to attract new clients! After all, you are on social media too, especially when you need a mental break for a few minutes or just want to check in with some friends.


I know that social media gets a bad rap when it comes to promoting businesses because people seem to think you need fabulous graphics and colour coordinated themes. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. When you are just starting out, all you need for social media is to be active while contributing information to the people you are interacting with. It’s all about building relationships!


Social Media Platforms


These are the main social media platforms you can consider using when connecting with new clients. I recommend finding the platforms that work best for you and skipping the rest. And if you haven’t used social media that much, start with one platform and then add a new platform when you are comfortable.


Once you decide which social media platforms you will be using, it will be time to start joining groups and contributing to conversations. By doing this, you are making sure more people know your business exists and what it is that you do to help them.


This is not the time to start direct messaging people and doing hard sales. Instead, it is the time to see what is being discussed and contribute to those conversations with your expertise. This will allow people to get to know you and see you are an expert in your industry.


How to Choose Groups to Join

There are so many different groups you can join on different social media platforms, which means it can be difficult to choose the right ones. While you can go straight to bookkeeping groups, I recommend you focus on the industry, or industries, you are specializing in.


If you work with a lot of restaurants, you could look into groups that focus on the following:


This will ensure you are in groups for all the peripheral industries that relate to your specialized industries.


The goal of attracting new clients through the use of social media is to build relationships. These people will remember that you have given them answers in the past and they will seek you out in the future instead of choosing some random stranger off the internet.


Using social media will take time though. The results will not be instant, and you must remember that you need to be active in the groups you join. You can’t add a comment or two one day and then not check in for a few weeks. It is usually best to start with a couple groups, so you can easily fit time for engaging into your schedule. Once you get used to checking those groups, you can always add more.


Another excellent way to use social media to connect with new clients is to start your own group. The name and header should be well-defined, so people know what your group is about when they are searching.


If you think you are already being pretty active on social media, I recommend Googling yourself to see what shows up in the rankings. If you don’t see your website, associations, or the posts you have contributed to in groups, you are not being active enough. Therefore, it will be time to create actionable steps to ensure you are connecting with new clients on social media.


Social media doesn’t need to be difficult when you are engaging with potential new clients for your business. Don’t worry about colours or graphics. Instead, focus on videos, going live, contributing expert advice, and building and nurturing relationships that can continue to grow.


I love connecting with you, as I share helpful tips and tricks like this! You can join me in my free Facebook group every week when I go live with even more amazing information. You can join my group here.

2 Responses

  1. I have a couple of niche areas – Real Estate – brokers, property management companies and investors. Because of this area I work the local REIA’s (Real Estate Investment Associations) I am currently working with the owner of 3 REIA’s – one where I will be teaching a very basic QBDT 101 for investors. Another niche area is Attorney’s – general practice, employment law and real estate closings