Where to Start When Automating Mundane Tasks
Our industry is filled with numerous mundane tasks that need to be done every single day. These tasks can become boring and that is when mistakes can be made. Of course, since these mundane tasks will quickly become your least favorite things to do, you will push them off and do them later all of […]
Consider the Open Positions You are Hiring for Carefully
Are you looking to hire a team member? In our industry, this is a hot topic, because everyone automatically assumes they need a bookkeeper. I am here to tell you that a bookkeeper might be the last person you need to hire right now. There are probably a dozen other people you should hire before […]
Learn Which KPIs Are Important In Your Business!
Have you ever tracked the KPIs in your business? In the beginning, I never tracked my KPIs. But then I learned which KPIs are most important for my business. The most important KPIs for your business might not be the same as mine, but I want to show you how to decide which ones you […]
As an Entrepreneur, Is Self-Improvement Important?
When was the last time you took the time to make improvements to yourself as an entrepreneur? If you are like many people, you ignore all of that and simply say you will find time to improve later. Or, you say you don’t have the money to spend on yourself. Or the time. After all, […]
Is Your Business in Alignment with You?
Every business owner has these big visions of what they can create in their business. While we have these visions, a lot of us are still in that overwhelmed stage. Maybe you haven’t managed handing off all of the compliance work to your team yet. Maybe you haven’t finished setting up your ecosystem. There are […]
Promote Yourself to Potential Clients Without Being Sleazy
Have you ever come across a sleazy salesperson? I am going to say yes because we all have! I want to talk about how not to be sleazy when we sell because we don’t want to be like all of those salespeople we do not like. Sales are so much more than volume, although not […]
Have You Embraced Time Blocking Yet? If You Haven’t, You’ve Got This!
If there is one phrase I hear all the time, it is, “I don’t have time”. I constantly hear people telling me that they don’t have time to listen to trainings, hire a team, and even set up their ecosystem. That one phrase is the main reason why you must time block. This is not […]
How to Grow Your Firm Without Spending a Lot of $$$ on Expenses
How do you feel about spending money in your business? If you truly know me, you know that my Profit First brain kicks in all of the time! I don’t like to spend money on things I shouldn’t need to spend money on. So, I want to talk about the simple things you can do […]
Moving Past Ideas and Into Creation
As entrepreneurs, business owners, and advisors, we have so many ideas brewing in our brains. We are always coming up with ideas and plans about how we can serve our clients. Yet we often struggle with how to bring all of those ideas and plans to fruition. If your wheels are always spinning, you may […]
Is Your Inner Voice Stopping Your Success?
Do you spend day after day trying to stop that little voice in your head? You know, the one that keeps saying you can’t do the things that you want to do? That little voice can be so annoying and many of us think there is nothing we can do to stop it. However, after […]