Taking control in your business is as simple as following a checklist of items. After all, there are specific things you need for your business and without them, you won’t have a business that is as successful as you want. Don’t worry if you have no idea what is on the checklist of items you need in order to take control in your business. I have taken the time to think about what I needed to gain control in my business to give you a starting point.
Steps You Must Take If You Want Control in Your Business
Why and Vision
Every business must have a why and vision. The clearer you are with your why and vision, the easier it will be to reach your goals.
Service Offerings and Ideal Clients
Not every accountant or bookkeeper is going to offer the same services. Nor will they cater to the same industry. You must determine which industry your business is focusing on, while also making sure you have a clear idea of all your service offerings. This will ensure you know exactly who your ideal clients are and how you can serve them best.
Pricing Model
There are so many ways to create your pricing model. You can go right to a percentage model, or you can begin with a flat rate. It is important that you choose a pricing model and stick with it, at least for a while. This will prevent confusion and allows you to know how much money you have every month.
Short- and Long-Term Goals
By now, you should know that I am very goal-oriented! I love creating goals because it allows me to see how my business is moving forward. When you take the time to create both short- and long-term goals, you are giving yourself the opportunity to break those goals down into actionable steps. You can then take those actionable steps to reach every goal you have set. Remember, nothing happens randomly! You always must work hard to get what you want!
Systems in Place and to Scale
Setting up a system is difficult. However, once you have completed the work, that system will make your life so much easier! Every system you have in place will ensure you don’t need to think about what you need to do at any time of the day. You simply rely on your systems to repeat all those processes you do over and over again. And since your systems will be scalable, they can grow with your business.
Process for Identifying, Assessing, and Onboarding Staff
Not every business owner thinks they need to have a process for bringing new staff members on board. I recommend having a process, because it makes hiring new staff members so simple! The best part is once you have this process in place, you can delegate the hiring to another member of your team.
Marketing and Networking
Marketing and networking can be difficult, especially if you do not do it as often as you should. I recommend networking, and marketing, every month. You always want to get your name out there, so you have referrals coming in. Many people stop marketing because they think no one is paying attention. But someone will eventually pay attention and before you know it, all your effort will have paid off.
Monitor Key Areas of Your Business
There are key areas of your business you should be monitoring every single week or month. Monitoring this information will allow you to determine what is working in your business and what isn’t, so you can make the necessary adjustments. I recommend creating reports for the areas you are monitoring in your business. This will allow you to easily go back and see the changes from month to month.
These are all small steps you can take to make sure you have control of your business. It may seem like a lot at first, but some of them are a one-and-done deal. I recommend implementing one step in your business now and then adding more steps until you have them all in place. Then you will truly see what it means to be in control of your business.